Black Friday - Frequent Questions

Can I cancel or modify my order?

You can cancel your order independently directly from your account or by writing an email to; you will receive confirmation by email and the respective refund within 10 working days.
It is not possible to change orders: you can cancel your order and redo it correctly.


Why are some products not on sale?

Because all Tudor, Pomellato and those belonging to the Sales category are excluded from the promotion! of our site: they are in fact already discounted at -30% on a continuous basis.


Can I order an item that is out of stock?

No, on Black Friday it is not possible to order out of stock items at the promotion price.


How many days do I have to make a return?

You have until December 31, 2023 to make a return for purchases made between November 24 and 26, 2023.


I made a return, when will it be refunded?

Your return will be processed and refunded within 14 business days.


How can I make a return?

Inside the package you will find all the explanations.


When will i receive my order?

Orders placed between 24 and 26 November 2023 will be processed by 15 December 2023, due to high traffic of purchases.


I need to receive my order by a certain date, is it possible?

Given the amount of orders in the period, we do not accept these requests on these days.


How can I track my order?

Once the package has been shipped, you will receive DHL tracking via email to track your shipment.


Is it possible to ship different orders in a single shipment?

No, each order has its own shipment even if it is directed to the same recipient.


I need to change the shipping address, what can I do?

Write an email to with the order number and the name of the person who executed it.


How can I pay?

Choose the payment method that is most convenient for you: you can pay by credit card, Paypal, in installments with Klarna (for purchases up to 1000 euros), by cash on delivery, by bank transfer (in this case your order will be sent only to bank transfer received).


How can I contact you?

he direct contact for online purchases is exclusively:


Free shipping

For all orders in Italy over € 50

Secure Payments

Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Paypal, Cash on Delivery

Free gift wrapping

Request it during the purchase